Employment Authority Is the Most Effective Way to Get Your Next Position.
Employment Authority puts you in control of your job search and gives you unrestricted access to all the opportunities that you specify you are interested in. Our services include:
Free Resume Critique: We will provide you with suggestions to improve the impact and effectiveness of your resume.
Free Market Evaluation: We will provide a market evaluation to give you an assessment of your overall marketability.
Free Consultation: Our Employment Advocates will set up an appointment with you to identify areas of the country and types of employers you might be interested in.
Additionally, for a small fee, Employment Authority will craft a professional resume and cover letter for you and conduct targeted mailings to employers of your choice. Employment Authority is the best investment you can ever make in your career.
What is Employment Authority?
Employment Authority is a career marketing service that researches employer contacts inside of corporations and other employers in the United States and assists high income executives in initiating targeted mailings to those employers. In addition, Employment Authority redoes the resumes and cover letters of its clients at no charge and insures these are relevant and compelling to the employers who our clients approach seeking employment.
Employment Authority helps executives track down unadvertised job openings in markets all over the world. You can use Employment Authority while using a recruiter and other job search methods to find a job. Our service assists you in finding many of the most competitive jobs available in the market that you will not find on job boards or through recruiters and we believe that recruiters and job boards are a useful adjunct to our service. We are a partner company with EmploymentCrossing and Hound, for example, and provide our clients free access to these job research sites while using our service.
While internal statistics have varied throughout the years, Employment Authority typically assists executives earning well over $100,000 a year and in most cases well beyond this. Our service is for people who are seeking the highest paid positions in the market. We have assisted numerous CEOs, CFOs, sales managers, and other highly paid individuals track down openings during our history. As a member of the EmploymentScape group of companies, we are part of one of the largest career companies in the world with offices throughout the United States, and with hundreds of employees to respond to your needs. Our goal is to ensure that our clients are aware of all jobs in the market and that they do not miss any jobs. We believe that our service is the most effective service in existence for ensuring our clients have the market "covered" in all respects.
Can Employment Authority Help Me?
Employment Authority assists high performance executives and others in tracking down jobs that are not advertised on job boards or available through recruiters. We are a "stop gap" measure that assists our clients in insuring that they have the market covered. We encourage our clients to use recruiters as well as job boards in their search in addition to using Employment Authority. Our service is incredibly effective. Through the years we have seen the substantial majority of our clients get highly paid positions through Employment Authority before they get positions using either recruiters or job boards.
With career advancement as the goal, Employment Authority assists executives, managers, and professionals. By preparing polished resumes, providing the tools to conduct targeted mailings, as well as giving informed counsel and support, we match our clients' qualifications and career goals to companies that can offer them the jobs they've been looking for. Employment Authority can help you speed up your job search, increase your exposure to decision makers, and give you options and leverage, resources you need to secure the right job.
Take advantage of our FREE Resume Critique to gain better insight about your marketability. An Employment Advocate will critique your resume with respect to impact and strength of presentation. In addition, we will recommend a resume format and specific features that will best meet your present career search needs.
Employment Authority just made it easier for you to find the workplace of your dreams, at the time most convenient for you. You can now customize your job search with a few clicks of the mouse within the comfort and privacy of your home.
Now, purchase your contacts online, on your personal computer, at the time most convenient for you.
Access the Employment Authority advantage any time of the day, at the click of a mouse.
Sit back, review your search options and set your preferences accurately, at your discretion.
Review and revise your search preferences as per your budget.
The new Employment Authority database allows you to search by a wide variety of criteria, including:
Geographic location
Industries like Insurance, Retail etc.
Company size in terms of annual revenue
Simply key in your preferences to have your job search outlined accurately.
Options for Executives
Looking for the perfect executive position?
Our database contains virtually every employer in the country. Simply pick your interests and our research team will do the work. The following links are just a few examples of industries which we study:
Sign up for a "Free, No Obligation Resume Critique" and "Free Market Evaluation". Let us tell you how much potential you have!
Forbes Reports 151,352 Layoffs for January Itself; Employment Authority Proposes Alternative Job Search Approach
The Career Resources column is presented by Granted, America's leading job search engine dedicated to getting people jobs.
Forbes Reports 151,352 Layoffs for January Itself; Employment Authority Proposes Alternative Job Search Approach
Pasadena, CA — According to a compilation by Forbes recently, there were 151,352 layoffs at America’s 500 largest public companies in the month of January. MORE
"There are always vacancies. Organizations are born, organizations expand, workers become restless, quit, change jobs, move, become ill long-term, or become handicapped, retire, or die. There are always jobs out there waiting to be filled. The fact that you can't find those jobs only means the vacancy hasn't been advertised, or you're not using the right method to find it. When the Internet or job-postings, or agencies, or ads, or resumes, don't work, there are other ways of turning up the job you want. So, if you're coming up 'empty,' you need to change the search method you've been using. ... To speed up your search for one of the jobs that are out there, go after many different organizations, instead of just one or two."
- Richard N. Bolles What Color is Your Parachute?
Resume Preparation
Capture the interest of senior-level executives in less than 10 seconds. Stimulate their desire to read your resume. MORE
What Our Clients Are Saying
I received several interviews and two job offers with your service so I am very satisfied. I have forwarded your information to a friend of mine who is also looking for a job. My experience on the who... - Pamela
I didn't think I had a chance in NYC, since I went to Tulane, but I've gotten two interviews so far! There are almost 100 firms that I haven't heard anything from, and I'm still waiting on these two f... - Nicole